Friday, May 20, 2011

last few things

the last few things I've done contest wise

Make yourself into a Disney Character, I'm a Royal Nanny

Vaudeville Pose


Wednesday, May 18, 2011


I've restarted the entire Buffy the Vampire Slayer series and enjoying myself. Also I got inspiration for a dress
Still need to work on my folds and shading

The inspiration
From season 1, episode 12. :)

Chat Challenge #2

(The first one was hair and I can't remember what I did for that)

 (Hair by Juleona)

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Another re do and some fun I've had

I learned how to download a script and run it for this. There's still a few things I'd like to fix, (Like add some sunshine and smudge the water line,) but overall I'm pretty happy with how it matched my vision.

Here's a re-do:
  The Old
and the New:
(I even drew that darned crow!! I Love DragoArt step-by-step instructions!!)

Wednesday, May 11, 2011


Before and after of one of my first edits

and Doughnuts, New Orleans Style!


Trying to save my shoulder from unnecessary pain, but also I have no ideas right now.
Here's some new stuff.

  Some Recent Wins

 Some not so good edits here... :P

For Sapharii's 21st Birthday

Polka Dots!!

Saturday, May 7, 2011

New stuff

The Pose Credit is Switched!!



Plus, I made the Podium!!

Seriously, I thought it would never happen, LOL

Monday, May 2, 2011

Come Party with me!!

Party favors in the "About Me" section of my Miss Bimbo Profile!